Proposed ByLaws with highlited changes for 2021 2nd
LD Democrats.
Article I. Name and Purpose.
Section 1. Name. This body shall be known in full as the Washington State
Second Legislative District Democrats, abbreviated as the 2nd LD Dems.
Section 2. Purpose. The 2nd LD Dems organization exists to promote citizen
participation in the Democratic Party, through by advancing the principles
and programs that reflect the values of the Democratic Party. It also supports
the election and recruitment of Democratic candidates and candidates for
nonpartisan office, who demonstrably share the principles and support the
programs of the Democratic Party.
Article II. Dual Nature of the 2nd LD Dems.
Section 1. The 2nd LD Dems Party Organization. Washington State law and
the Charter and Bylaws of the Washington State Democrats limit membership
to elected and appointed Democratic Precinct Committee Officers residing in
the 2nd LD. The same references assign certain duties to this organization,
including the election of specific officers, nomination of candidates for public
office, and approval of bylaws. The 2nd LD Dems Party Party Organization
meets at least quarterly. Additional details are provided in Article VI of these
Bylaws and in Article IX of the Washington State Democrats’ Bylaws.
Section 2. The 2nd LD Dems Association. The 2nd LD Dems Association
includes as voting members: members of the 2nd LD Dems Party
Organization, acting Precinct Committee Officers, and members in good
standing (Article III, Section 2, of these Bylaws). Non-voting members
include those who attend meetings and are willing to be publicly identified as
Democrats. No one will be excluded from attending meetings because of not
having paid dues. Monthly meetings include explorations and discussions of
civic issues, candidates’ voting records, and positions on issues, and similar
other educational and advocacy purposes.
Article III. Membership.
Section 1. Precinct Committee Officers. All Precinct Committee Officers are
granted membership in the 2nd LD Dems Association and/or the 2nd LD
democratic Dems Party Organization per Article II, above. ‘Elected’ means
“certified by civil authorities and the Washington State Democrats;”and
‘appointed’ means “approved by the executive body of the Central
Committee of the Democratic Party in the county in which they the PCO
resides.;” and ‘acting’ means “appointed to serve as a guide to a precinct, but
not residing in that precinct.”
Section 2. Other Members.
a. U.S. Citizens. Any U.S. citizen who is a resident of the Second Legislative
District, who is 16 years or older, and self-declares to be a Democrat, may
become a voting member of the 2nd LD Dems Association, upon payment of
current dues or having dues waived.
b. Non-U.S. Citizens. Any non-citizen resident of the Second Legislative
District, who is 16 years or older and self-declares to be a Democrat may
become a voting member of the 2nd LD Dems Association, but may not pay
dues or otherwise financially contribute to the organization (IAW with federal
c. “Non-U.S. Citizens. Persons holding the status of permanent resident,
commonly referred to as “green card holders”, may be fully participating
members of the organization (except where state or federal law or state party
rules precludes participation). Persons identified as “Foreign Nationals” may
voluntarily participate in the organization, but may not contribute financially
in any way, and may not be compensated by another for their participation.”+
Section 3. Membership Dues. The amount of annual dues shall be set at the
first meeting of each calendar year. Dues shall be effective through the next
dues-setting meeting and shall include provisions for participation by those
with limited income or inability to pay (WSD Charter, Art. VII.A.3 and
VII.C.1.e.). Additional donations will be accepted at any time, but shall not
be a condition of membership.
Section 4. Membership Duration. Memberships established at any time
during the year after the dues-setting meeting (Art. III, Sec. 3) remain active
until the end of the next dues-setting meeting, when all memberships expire.
A person who becomes a member during the dues-setting meeting shall
remain a member until the end of the next annual dues-setting meeting,
provided that the person pays any additional dues required after the 2nd LD
Dems Association sets the amount of dues.
Article IV. Membership Meetings.
Section 1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings are scheduled by the
Executive Board, and approved by the membership. The 2nd LD Dems
Executive Board may change the schedule for a particular regular monthly
meeting, so long as an attempt to notify all members has been made at least
ten days before that meeting. The schedule of all regular meetings may be
changed by a majority vote of members.
Section 2. 2nd LD Dems Party Organization Meetings. Party organization
meetings are assumed to be held must be conducted at least quarterly, in
conjunction with Regular Meetings, unless otherwise stipulated. The
following duties tasks must may occur only during a Party Organization
meeting: reorganization; replacement of: chair, vice chairs, and/or state
committee representatives; candidate nominations; state committee reports;
and voting on bylaws.
Section 3. Reorganization Meeting. A Reorganization meeting shall be held
during December or January, following each biennial general election to elect
officers under Article V of these bylaws. Business shall be conducted in
accordance with rules established by the Washington State Democrats and
with consideration of actions of the County Democratic organizations within
which the 2nd LD Dems is situated. Membership status during the
Reorganization meeting shall be as set forth in Article III, Section 2.
Additionally, bylaws will be adopted for the new biennium.
Section 4. Special Meetings. A special meeting may be called by 25% of the
membership, 25% of the PCOs, or, after consultation with available officers,
by the Chair, so long as an attempt to notify all members has been made at
least ten days before that meeting, if possible.
Section 5. Quorum. A quorum for the conduct of business at a regular/special
meeting shall consist of a majority of those members present when the
meeting is called to order. At a reorganization meeting, a quorum shall
consist of a majority of those elected PCOs present when the meeting is
called to order.
Section 6. Virtual Meetings. If emergency or exigent circumstances prevent
safely holding a meeting or vote of the 2nd LD or a 2nd LD committee at a
physical location, the Chair or Aacting Chair may direct that meeting and
voting to be announced, convened and held electronically. (Added May 5,
Article V. Officers/Executive Board.
Section 1. Titles, Meetings, and Election.
Titles. The officers of 2nd LD Dems shall be the Chair, the First Vice Chair,
the Second Vice Chair, two State Committee Persons (representing two
genders) the Secretary, and the Treasurer. Collectively, these officers
constitute the voting members of the Executive Board of the 2nd LD Dems.
Past 2nd LD Dems Chairpersons are non-voting members of the Executive
The Chair is the Chief Executive Officer of 2nd LD Dems Party Organization
and 2nd LD Dems Association.
The First Vice Chair presides in the absence of the Chair.
The Second Vice Chair presides in the absence of the Chair and First Vice
Gender Representation Assurance. Within The persons filling the positions
of Chair and First Vice Chair must be of different genders. Genders are
considered to be male, female and non-binary.
County Representation Assurance. A reasonable effort shall be made to
include representation for Thurston and Pierce counties among the three
executive offices. three officer positions, at least two different genders and
both counties will be represented.
The State Committee members represent the 2nd LD Dems at regular
meetings of the Washington State Democratic Central Committee (WSDCC).
The Secretary prepares minutes of the meetings of the Organization,
Association, and Executive Board.
The Treasurer maintains the books of account for the Organization and
Association, is custodian of financial accounts, and prepares reports required
by the Public Disclosure Commission.
Meetings. Members of the Executive Board shall meet on a regular basis to
prepare the meeting agendas and conduct emergency business between
meetings. At Executive Board meetings, a quorum of the majority of officers
is required when financial decisions are being made. Attendance may be
made through electronic means, and printable electronic votes are permitted
as necessary to maintain the quorum.
Election of Officers. All officers shall be elected at the biennial reorganization
meeting of the District Democratic Party Organization. The State Committee
persons must be PCOs. All other officers are not required to be PCOs, but
must be registered voters in the Second Legislative District willing to be
identified publicly as Democrats. Only PCOs elected during the primary
election preceding the reorganization shall be eligible to vote for the Chair,
the First Vice Chair, two State Committee Persons (representing two
genders). All members of the organization are eligible to vote for the Second
Vice Chair, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. Newly elected officers shall take
office at the close of the reorganization meeting, and outgoing officers are
responsible to turn over official records to their successors as soon as feasible
after the meeting adjourns.
In any contested election of an officer, the vote shall be by written or
electronic ballot with retained documentation. A majority shall be required to
elect. In uncontested elections, individuals may be elected by acclamation.
Section 2. Vacancies in Office. Offices may be vacated by written resignation,
death, incapacitation issues of health that do not allow the individual to write
a resignation, or recall by the membership.
Section 3. Replacement of Officers. At the next regular or special meeting of
the 2nd LD Dems after a position is vacated, a replacement officer shall be
elected. In the case of the Chair, the First Vice Chair, the State Committee
Persons, only PCOs elected or appointed prior to the beginning of the
vacancy shall be allowed to vote. The vote shall be by signed written or
electronic ballot, unless uncontested. In the case of other officers, all regular
members shall be allowed to vote. Whether elected by PCOs or Members, a
majority of those present, eligible, and voting is required to elect a
Section 4. Recall.
Recall of any officer requires written notice, signed by at
least five members, of whom at least three must be PCOs, and presented to
the membership as a special order of business at the beginning of the next
regular meeting or at a special meeting called in accordance with Article III,
Section 3, of these Bylaws. If the person being recalled is not the Secretary,
the notice shall be delivered to the Secretary. If the person being recalled is
the Secretary, the notice shall be delivered to the Chair.
A notice of recall shall specify, at least ten days in advance of the meeting at
which it is to become an item of business, the grounds or alleged actions
which would justify the removal from office, and all parties present at the
meeting, including the accused, shall be given opportunity to support, oppose
or question the cause of recall. If the Chair is accused, the meeting shall be
led by the Vice Chair next in line. The officer being recalled shall not be
allowed to vote on the motion itself. A simple majority of all elected PCOs
who reside in 2nd LD may remove the individual from office (Specified in
RCW 29A.80.061 for Chair of the District; extended to all elected officers by
this Bylaw provision).
Article VI. 2nd LD Dems Party Organization.
Section 1. Membership Composition and Responsibilities. All elected and
appointed Democratic PCOs, residing in the 2nd LD are members with voting
rights and voice in the 2nd LD Dems Party Organization. Non-voting
members include officers of the 2nd LD Dems who are not elected or
appointed PCOs, in the positions of Chair, Vice Chairs, and State Committee
Representatives. Washington State law and/or policies of the Washington
State Democrats define voting participation. For instance, only PCOs elected
in the previous primary election are allowed to vote during reorganization
Section 2. Functions. The 2nd LD Dems Party Organization is the official
body that conducts Party affairs at the LD level. The Party Organization
protects the right of replacement of a 2nd LD Democratic representative to
the State Senate or House of Representatives by officially nominating the
Democratic winner of a top-two primary. Additional duties of the Party
Organization include: election/replacement of officers, as listed in Section 1,
above; receiving SCR reports of state meetings; and approving bylaws.
Section 3. Meetings. The Party Organization shall meet at least quarterly;
meetings are normally scheduled in conjunction with regular meetings of 2nd
LD Dems Association, see Article IV, Section 2.
Section 4. Representative to County Central Committees. If the governing
documents of the Democratic Central Committees of any county containing
any part of the 2nd LD Dems require the 2nd LD Dems to elect or appoint
one or more representatives to that county organization, then any such
representatives will be appointed or elected as required by the county
organization’s governing documents. Any such appointed or elected county
representative may also serve (but is not required to serve) as an elected 2nd
LD Dems officer. While vitally important, the county representative position
is not a voting member of the 2nd LD Dems Executive Board.
Article VII. Other Committees.
Section 1. Standing Committees. Standing committees may be initiated by
majority vote of members present and voting at any regular or special
meeting or by the Chair in consultation with at least three other officers. Once
created, standing committees shall continue in existence until the next
biennial reorganization meeting, unless disbanded by majority vote of
members present and voting at any regular or special meeting. The
committees on Elections and Affirmative Action are required by state party
rules. The 2nd LD Dems also has a Budget Committee.
Section 2. Ad Hoc Committees. Within the limits of authority as defined by
Washington State law and dictates of Washington State Democrats, ad hoc
committees may be formed by the Chair, by vote of any Standing Committee,
or by the membership at any regular or special meeting. As the ad hoc
committee is formed, it shall have a task and a tentative ending date for its
project, with an expectation of a report on or before that date.
Section 3. Annual Ad Hoc Audit Committee. The Chair shall appoint two
members, in good standing, to perform an annual audit of the LD books of
account. The members cannot hold the title of Treasurer, have signatory
powers of the 2nd LD Dems bank account, or authorize standing rules for the
audit committee duties. The audit will be limited to a review of the financial
records and processes.
Article VIII. Parliamentary Authority.
In matters not governed by law, the Charter and Bylaws of Washington State
Democrats, or these Bylaws, the parliamentary authority shall be the most
recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
Article IX. Amendments.
Section 1. Proposed amendments. An amendment to these Bylaws may be
proposed at any regular or special meeting (as a Party Organization topic), so
long as notice of the amendment and its wording has been offered at the
previous regular meeting or published electronically or by mail, if email is
unavailable, at least one week in advance of the meeting, during which the
changes are to be considered. When it has been so offered, the notice of
amendment shall be a privileged item of agenda (before old business) at the
meeting when the amendment is officially considered. If an emergency
amendment is proposed without waiting for a following meeting, it is subject
to the provisions of Section 2, below.
Section 2. Conditions for Passage of Amendments. Any amendment
presented with notice, as defined in Section 1, may be debated by any
member of the 2nd LD Dems Association. Bylaws amendments are approved
by the 2nd LD Dems Party Organization members at the end of debate.
Two-thirds (2/3) of the Party Organization members present and voting shall
be required for passage.
An emergency amendment, presented without notice as defined in Section 1,
may be passed temporarily under the same conditions as an amendment
presented with notice, except that it must be approved by a simple majority of
Party Organization members present and voting. In order to maintain an
emergency amendment in effect, it must be affirmed at the next regular
meeting, with the same restrictions as an amendment presented with notice. If
affirmed at this second meeting, it shall become a regular amendment.
Section 3. Effective Date of Amendments. Amendments presented with
notice become effective at the end of the meeting at which they are passed.
Emergency amendments, presented without notice, take effect during the
meeting at which they are first passed, but do not become a permanent part of
these Bylaws until they have been affirmed at the next regular meeting.
Preparation Notes: This version is based on the by laws approved April 3,
2018, with the following changes
1.Added back Article III, Section 3 Membership Dues, which was
inadvertently omitted from the last revision
2.Replaced references to State Committee Man and State Committee
Woman with “two State Committee Persons (representing two
genders)” or “State Committee Person”, as appropriate.
3.Article IV. Membership Meetings. Section 3. Reorganization Meeting:
Deleted reference to state laws, in accordance with court cases that
establish the supremacy of party rules over state laws in party
organization decisions and processes. Also added a provision that
bylaws will be adopted for the new biennium at the reorganization